Danie’s Corner – How To Create Beautiful Graphics For Your Blog And Social Media Easily By Your Self With Canva.


We all know that as a blogger, you need to have great pictures and graphics on not just your blog but also on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and other socials. Most times it’s the image I see that makes me click on anything online. And it was really challenging for me at the beginning because I had no idea how people created these graphics so I went to google. Before Canva came and turned my life around, I tried to work with pic monkey and Pixlr, even tried Photoshop but could not master any of them.So for those who are just starting out or are looking for a free and easy-to-use and versatile tool  to create their own graphics, this post is for you.

To get started with Canva, it is a web application but can also be used on an iPad but not mobile yet.
1. Go to http://www.canva.com and sign up via email, google or Facebook.
2. Click on “create design” when you’re signed in
3. It directs  you to select what kind of graphic you would like to design from under social media – twitter post, Pinterest graphic, Facebook post, Tumblr graphic, Instagram post, Documents, Blogging – blog titles, info-graphics, etc, Posters, banners, business cards, ads, YouTube thumbnail, YouTube channel art, email header, cover photos, photo collages, etc or simply design one with a custom size by choosing “use custom dimensions“.
4. They are ready made designs you can choose and use, all you need to do is to edit the text, you can play around with font styles, font colour and background colour. These designs are mostly free, while some others are $1 but the free ones are equally nice.

4. You can change Image background colour by selecting the “background” tab and choosing from wide range of colours and patterns.

5. If you want to use your own image, simply upload it  through the upload tab.
Now, I’m going to show how I created the image for a previous blog post, How To Come Up With Fantastic Blog Post Ideas .
  • I selected social media layout. First got a background image from pixabay.com (you can search and get free and non-copyrighted pictures to use for your blog) and uploaded to canva.
The picture I got from pixabay for the background
The picture I got from pixabay for the background


  • Then I enlarged it to fit the width of the box for social media and added the title text from the text tab with the “add subheading“, set the font and the colour to red.
  • To add some finishing touches, I added  a light bulb under icon from the “elements” tab and set the colour to grey to match the other parts of the image.
  • When I was satisfied, I simply click the download button  and you can also share it directly to your social media.

I personally like my graphics to be simple and straightforward, canva lets you take out and put in whatever you like and it’s free, multipurpose and very beginner friendly. Thanks for reading till the end. Have you been using canva? What do you use to create your graphics? Leave your thoughts in the comments below. Happy blogging!

11 thoughts on “Danie’s Corner – How To Create Beautiful Graphics For Your Blog And Social Media Easily By Your Self With Canva.

    1. No Habiba, you can only download it on an iPad, otherwise it’s a web application you use with your computer or at least for now. Hope it helps.


  1. I’m really enjoying using Canva. It’s versatility is really amazing. And even the most horrid picture looks much more professional with Canva


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